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Thursday, July 28, 2011


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Colleen G.

This is absolutely AMAZING, FABULOUS, and GENIUS!!! Can't wait to get all the supplies and try this!!! :)


What a fun idea to share! Love this economical idea.


Hi Melissa:)
I'm so excited about your tutorial about the die cuts and making them into stamps, that I've posted on my Facebook page a link to your blog!
I think this is brilliant! And with your permission I'll even do a 'shout out' on my blog to send my followers your way!
Brilliant! Can't wait to try this!!!
Cheers! ox


Great idea Melissa! I'm trying that one today...how handy to have the dies already :-)

Kim B

Brilliant! Thanks for sharing

Michelle Mathey - POMI

Good thinking!!! LOVE this idea!

Becky Green

WONDERFUL IDEA!!!!! THANK YOU for sharing!!!!!!! :) Found you on Craftgossip! :)

Mary Mac

Melissa, I just got back from AC MOORE and guess what Tim Holtz sizzix die I bought. LOL I can't wait to try this. Thanks so much.


This is great! thanx for sharing

Plastic Coating

Great idea, glad you made this tutorial and shared it.

RetroFoam Insulation

Strategy Melissa! I'm trying that one these days...how useful to have the passes away already :-)

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